Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Higgs Kill List

The Challenges to the Higgs' (All) - Killing it?

I just add the list, *The Kill List* for the Higgs':

Why the Higgs' field of the Universe when the Universe is (mostly?) "best" vacuum?!

How does Higgs' fit into the Unifying work of Physics?

Is it really necessary to have the Higgs-Boson to explain mass?

Why can't ordinary particles have mass simply by property, that is, mass is part of their nature?

Even then, why is it necessary for mass to "obtain" rather than to be as in "gravity", one form or another, i.e., explanation?

"Technicolour" isn't an alternative as it confuses "energy" and "forces"?

Wasn't the intention in the first place (by 3,5 TeV/7 TeV) to smash these pieces smaller? So that the Protons would be split to smaller bits? Then CERN presents masses on 125 GeV? What?

The Up Quark has mass 1.7 - 3.1 MeV/c(2) and 125 GeV(/c(2)) means something bigger than the Protons even, so you're considering "fusion effects" of the Protons to be the Higgs-Boson?

Finally, the realism: To summarise the masses: Higgs Boson is suggested to 125 GeV(/c(2)), Proton 938.272046(21) MeV(/c2), W boson, 80.398±0.023 GeV/c2, Z boson, 91.1876±0.0021 GeV/c2 and (finally) the Up quark 1.7 - 3.1 MeV/c2! Good? Merry Christmas!

Reaction, as in the military: Add the Photon Theory by asserting (plausibly) that "Photons are the smallest constituents of all matter. I assume the other particles of the Standard Model are made up of photons. Why is this? The sun burns mass and to my knowledge it only/mostly by far emits electromagnetic radiation, consequently in the form of photons. When a nuclear bomb explodes, it converts matter into electromagnetic radiation, energy of various forms. Compared to this, I think one can throw the string theory out the window along with dimensions beyond the usual 4 (I'm not certain about this concerning Einstein's theories that I'd like to keep as it is). Also, let's assume higher intensity radiation emits more dense amounts of photons and that it declines further down the electromagnetic spectrum.

(Extra: New on photons: I think I can also hold that photons are "semi-fluid" on a hyper-level (of course). I don't know what this adds to our view of reality, but it's a possible way of reconciling the wave-particle duality.)" On top of the Photon Theory: Unifying work -> full speed ahead!

You may want to check out Slashdot org under "LHC Homes In On Possible Higgs Boson Around 126GeV", message nr. 207, and The Kill List and the Photon Theory that's added there for all the virtues they can present... Enjoy! You know, the whole thing, the "split time-units after Big Bang", the "supersymmetry" on this basis, the "symmetry" and "symmetry break and the rest", it's... *for you to decide* (incl. other mysteries of this kind)! So therefore, at this point I don't go into that, but I admit that speculation is fun and it's going to be exciting to see how the map of science develops! Cheers!

Note: Originally added15 December 2011 23:22 on Whatiswritten as comment under "Opinions on Physics"!

Monday 27 February 2012

My Achievements in Physics (Ver. 2 :-D )

Bragging list in Physics:
- New gravity theory
-> comparison of electron shells to the atom core
-> to gravity from the Earth itself starting with the Earth
--> most heavy and then outward toward the upper limits of
--> Earth gas atoms
- Wave collapse to psychology
- Schrödinger's rat
-> First to decisively crush Schrödinger's theory by his
--> rat/cat
- Revisionist Standard Model, 27 particles
- Definite destruction of QCD
- Likely destruction of String Theory
-> Mathematical point over Grigori Perelman
- Demolition of the Copenhagen Interpretation
-> only 1 direct observation and 2/3 indirect observation
--> points to remain
- First HARD realist in Physics for the World to follow
- Two photon experimental designs meant to pave the way forward to
-> quantify the photons and to make possible the studies of photons
--> interacting with materials, here, the metals
- Photon theory has also emerged from my works
- Impossibility of both the Graviton and the Higgs Boson have also been completed
- I've also added two additions to The Free Will Theorem by John H. Conway and
-> Simon B. Kochen
-> that address complexity and size of body to obtain Free Will and
--> that the neutral state has to be included in the Free Will Theorem,
--> thus making the whole thing look less sharp or "more relaxed" so
--> that not every moment is about "good and evil",
--> but rather about "good, neutral and evil", time being more at your
--> discretion

So: ("- all the rest!", uncertain to what exactly this is, given that I need to recapitulate on all my text!) I don't hide the fact that I'm VERY proud of this list that should now be unique and one of the best in the World! Thank you for the attention this far!

Thursday 9 February 2012

The Basic Set-Up for Teleconference Security!!!

The basic set-up for teleconference security (and with no "bragging" from Tandberg Teleconference either): Ch. 1 V (Ch. 1 V Ch. 2). Signal on Ch. 1 take channel 1, signal on either channel 1 or channel 2, take channel 1 or 2. First is obvious, and 2nd may mean switching if not stable! You have only channel 2, you take channel 2. This means also that you add as many lines as you think you need and apply the same prinicple to these! Teleconference should continue to be a fine option for work with the UN as well! Cheers!!! :-D

I don't think it's possible to claim patent over signal treatment of this logical kind either... Just so you know (and where to go next)!

The mere event of teleconference, given the right hardware, usually only a screen, computer, keyborad, mouse and web-cam, can be set up by peer-to-peer clients, with known IPs to one another over https, possibly, sending signals so and so and go by hardware settings.
Teleconference is not really a problem at all, as we know it from Skype and Live Messenger/Pidgin! Please, also, remember that https as such is mere addition of programming entering the type of transfer mode or "browser mode" if you like, that you find with the https notification in your address line!!!

Note: First written to Facebook just moments ago!
Note2: Added some text, 9. Feb., 2012, about 16:00 CET.
Note3: Also written to Whatiswritten777 before entered here.

The Road Ahead for Global Security - A Proposal (and idiots do not need to suggest anything...)

To the UN: I support the view that there _can be no_ copyright/patent infringement for the military uses and that one should seek to have this convention ratified by the UN on grounds that every nation should have the possibility to make the best for the defence of their nation and use ALL (material-wise) that it takes to do so!!! Will you be there? Cheers! (SCRAMJETS are still up!!! And note on USA that's less than helpful to the World in terms of security with a consistent subtle threat of all from the "fishes" down there in the sea (like USS Miami) and the out-of-convention use of military and threat by its nuclear arsenal that some people even get frightened to hear of!!!)
Also, one can enable WTO to punish transgression on a per case basis, by the usual rules and by examples of such that "entire companies are placed under military departments only to grow big and then come out from the copyright/patent rules". This last type of examples should obviously still be struck down on!!!
Whereas the (naive) Mahatma Gandhi came out successful toward the civilised opponent of Great Britain (they still speak a version of British English today), I'd say Cold War historically is equally successful because it lead to the two nations taking part in it, to come out "alive" and possibly better prepared for the future!
The situation today is similar, but we can't risk idiotic naivity toward a possible loathing USA (in considering the ruling "forces" or "powers") on top of meat shops, torture set-ups in hospitals and other and other widespread human rights violations... No, the answer must be that this is the normative road ahead and that stiff threats that can severely damage or destroy a nation must be sought out, regardless! We need to come across as sharp to another in face of the most severe transgressions of all, the transgressions of nations, every god damn one, sticking out its Jangling Jack attitude! To this, we need the *HARD* and serious UN Security Council that works well today and should come out successful tomorrow if the proper steps are taken for it, to ensure MAD, mutually assured destruction, in the future for ALL (transgressing) nations! (This recipe is now final and normative and any excuses outside of it will not be accepted or tolerated by those who support it (because other options are likely to fail and trying to pursue other options is idiocy)!)

Note: This has first been published to Facebook during some minutes ago!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

On Hacking! My Claim: The Hackers Have Lost!!! (Read below, please!)

My claim is backed on a couple of my writings incl. technology underpinning Blackberry today and stemming from 2003. A response to hacked energy generators that power the electrical power grid (of USA)!!!
This claim is made on top of a couple of my writings!
Concerning a BBC story on "cyber wars", I can make the definite claim that the Hackers have lost, technically speaking! And that the the Hacking / cyber wars we experience are due to malicious programming on grounds of innovation and general corruption and thus has only or merely social foundations today! That hackers enter my computer because of lousy Mozilla programming or simply Mozilla traps by the Firefox or other doesn't make my claims FALSE! No, they are confirmed on SOCIAL grounds!
How much would you excuse your phone operator if they sit there and eavesdrop on your phone calls? Is this hacking? Or is it simply a criminally bad set-up and IT administration? I certainly think that this is just a criminally bad set-up to allow these phone operators to do this!

Note: First written to Twitter some minutes prior to this time stamp when this is written to this Blogspot blog, Whatiswritten777.
Note2: Tags from Twitter, including users, #energygenerators, #hacking, #whatiswritten777, #blogspot, @BBC, #BBC, #cyberwars, #phonehacking, #phonecompanies, #phone and #SocialHacking!
Note3: Also written to Whatiswritten777 at Sunday, 5. February, 2012.
Note4: I've also edited it from the tweets on Twitter to Whatiswritten at a later point in time, to what you see above!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Over Greece and Its Possible Technical Default...

Over Greece and its technical default: it should have been the following
GDP and state budget
Deficit -> soothed by ECB, also called inflation
Debt (increased or not)
----------------- line drawn
Deficit of other countries
Allowance of deificit admitted to all Euro countries
------------------ line drawn again (possibly pushed to increase state debt)
Sum is [number]
-> Result "permitted by the EU of the Euro countries"
--> Ejection from the Euro (if ever), yes or no?
---> Rolling on to next year! Goodyear? :-D 8-D (with summer too!)

Let's not forget that Greece is FAR AWAY from the collapse in Mozambique!
From under Robert Mugabe and the revolt against "white oppression" which led to drought and chaos... and the plummeting of their currency!

Note: First written to Facebook under my profile, moments ago.