Saturday 21 April 2012

Why Your Mobile Phone Can Be Completely Secure Without PUK!

This requires a user-set code for Telephone Lock and Recovery Code (perhaps also an own "internet"/"smart" phone security code against internet intrusion on a "handcuff-"basis (the password is coded securely within the as well as with the user, making up a set of "handcuffs". This alone should normally give very good security... along with the usual options for security. However, there's another option that gives even harder protection and this is to "define data types" to enter the mob. phone on harder premises, fx. only stnd. html, https, only approved "white list" apps. and so on... This can be seen as rolling by to a more advanced WAP-programming and making the World less US American dependent, that is "Creative Programming Allowed (In)" -> Unchecked! I don't accept robot-arguments/subversive arguments from the mob. phone companies themselves, that is, how they have "this "God"-ability to do this and that and that therefore all that I say is invalid" (thi-hi-hi-hi). You know what I mean... Also, you may call this kind of the (motherf**king, excuse me) DUMB phone!!! This should also leave that "special" necessity "for security forces, special operatives and /the/ very agents and other important people, like some business people... to themselves and who can well set up and USE those good /robot/ phones which they are probably very fond of"! Besides, no-one of us normal people are really that important and with some good back-up routines with software to follow, there is no more problem than buying a new phone and /recycle/ the old and lost one! Remember that the (old) chip holding your phone number is still very important in this in linking your subscription uniquely to your subscription scheme, by address and possibly bank-account for "not holding a criminal phone line" so to speak, that you're a responsible phone owner... (Police state or not, there's a solution on my blogs for dealing with this "problem" by itself...) Note: First written to Facebook just moments ago!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Note on Research on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

On top of my own writings on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, asserting basically that there are personality precursors to them, Dag Aarsland has received a research prize by University Hospital of Stavanger.
The story is covered here in Norwegian: !

My original web-page has been this:

Thoughts concerning Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and Dementia

Alzheimer's is the steady dying of the brain. If one stiffens from stimulating the brain, the brain usually decrease the activity. The person gets so used to own thought-routines or thought-patterns that the brain slowly decreases in the overall activity. When the brain reaches a certain level there is usually a too strong brain or thought behaviour in order too correct ones own behaviour. I think it symbols the early sunset of a person's life. Compared to the healthy life of a normal person, the death of a normal person is in the form of going to sleep and never wake up again. This is the normal sunset of a life. One grows old and dies from old age. If you keep a high, positive brain activity and seek new solutions and refresh the way of looking at things, you will be free from Alzheimer's
Parkinson's is a little more complex. I think it goes like this: If one cares to look after, I think there is needed a too strong a stimulation from bodily neurology that has made the body cease to work properly. Almost like becoming less of feelings, the stimuli from working properly has set into a subliminal process of becoming higher and higher and therefore the disease feels like a strait-jacket. If I was in position, I would introspect for lack of discipline with regards to sensitivity or of a deeper negativity, like one seeking a higher or unacceptably higher bodily stimulation. One can also look for the combination of these. Thoughts were that it could be possible to reveal this by a set questionnaires early on but I haven't got the access to data nor the possibly of establishing a test bench practice of this sort. If one watches it with regards to good physical exercise and keeps a healthy, positive attitude, I don't think Parkinson's will ever become a problem. There's no doubt that personality plays a role in determining the relationship to both yourself and your body. If you want to do it all away, just get yourself into a car-crash and then you know where you've taken yourself, into the very car-crash!
Here are some facts and reference for Parkinson's Disease:
Affects about 120,000 people in the UK
Most people who get Parkinson's are aged 50 or over
A loss of nerve cells in the brain causes the symptoms of Parkinson's to appear
From a BBC information page.
Dementia is classified along with Alzheimer's, I've seen recently. I think this is a good step. Dementia is, along these former lines, the beginning of the descent to death, the onset of a dying brain. Discipline on one's mindset, possibly being also one's morality, and mindful activities should take away the possibility for Dementia to occur. Yet, it's my sense that there are incentives in the patient for Dementia to occur in the first place so perhaps Dementia is a matter of personality traits and as such, is difficult to handle. I'm wondering a little bit if Dementia can occur as a result of inactivity by deep resentment. If you have the idea that the society or whatever your environment is, isn't worth your efforts, inactivity is an option, but I think it's a poorer choice than suicide, even though seeking unhealthy living style in combination with decadence/inactivity may be a possibility to this end. Be healthy!
Terje Lea, 27. August 2005, 19. April 2010 and 4. May 2010


Note: First published to the blogs on Whatiswritten777 by Sunday, 16 October 2011.

On the Phenomena of MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

It's my view, in light of the 60 Minutes report, that MRSA has its roots in overprescription of antibiotics as well as the abuse of bacteria killing detergents rather than using "clean" petrol-based detergents (like the Zalo basic of Norway, old variety) and alcohol-based countermeasures! You can also include chlorine-based detergents and the rest of the traditional products (esp. the ammoniac-based). In fact, I'd draw a line in time when to STOP developing new ones (and I think this will serve the developing countries well)!
Hand-soap and general body-soap should also be of the "non-bacteria" killing kind, that is, it's not a specialised detergent for killing bacteria, i.e., it consists chemically of the traditional set of detergents. So the conclusion and advise with this, is of course to use the traditional products, enhanced, but only up to a point, for the daily use. Hospitals use of course the whole range as they see fit and as they act under expert ethics and professionalism, esp. the knowledge!
As with cancer, you die from the rest of the conditions (by failing immune system, etc). There is no use to try to dodge this, outside the hospital treatment!

From my former Facebook writings some time ago, just for keeping a line of recorded judgments alive.This time it has been taken from "Thoughts from mr. Terje Lea", the forerunner to "Static Display..."!


  1. Some opinion on the connection of MRSA, HIV/AIDS and cancers (all): I think certain personality traits speeden up the development of these and that frailty of person under "a steady, healthy person" by personality and other (as with the cases, more directly, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's) can be seen as vulnerabilites for these three types, yet "the idiots would oppose greatly, but at times, they even oppose intelligence, so..."!!! This for your information as mere suspicion, one that I refuse to lay my credibility of Philosophy of Science to, unless better and more investigations myself, i.e., NO more than suspicion...
    10 minutes ago
    The usual factors, all else, include of course healthy diet, physical exercise and controlled weight, that is, all other factors equal on the usual health considerations for HAVING good health!
    8 minutes ago
    If I get this "squared" like this, I think people have the right to know, given both a good sentiment and of course *CUTTING* (by scythe) a part of World stupidity, at least potentially!!!
    6 minutes ago
    (I have earlier written about MRSA and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's under Whatiswritten777, this blog, under
    5 minutes ago) - Cheers!

    Note: First to Facebook just minutes ago.
  2. Some of the above fall under theory of treatment by antibiotics or mixed treatment strategies incl. antibiotics. This excludes (all?) cancers as far as I know.
  3. Grunge time as time stamp from Seattle time zone of USA for both the above as noted earlier, writing from CET time zone today, 11:37, 04.04.2012!
  4. From "The Yeti-monster"/"Uncle Tony" of New York(!): /As if they could get away with it.../ "Stuffed birds...!" "Antibacterial detergents" nowadays -> The real data-set of anti-bacterial (det.), I supsect, is now disappearing further down into history in what I will describe as a cover-up (history) by the chemists and the med. doctors of cleanliness (epidemiologists or so)!!! This is now also a kind of DDT history equiv. if my suspicions prove right, entered into history of science, one that one can keep a checker on!!!

    I think that the premise for the anti-bacterial det. have been to make a fluid that would be applied by itself, never needing the rinsing of water... This has been the "sci-fi" dream of these people! (Now that is now coming to a halt where water is still needed on some level for purposes of cleanliness, probably to some irritation still to "these very modern people", of course, /less/ of using water so as to give rise to MRSA and the rest...! Then what does it mean?

    "Anti-bacterial" by cover-up story, now as word-dressing: Zalo brand by Lilleborg, (Contains among other compounds:) 1. 15-30% Anionic (positive ions solution?) surface active substances. 2. 5-15% Non-ionic surface active substances. "Amfotic" surface active substances. 3. Under/less than 5% Sodiumsalicylat (some of the same as in acetylic salicylic acid for headaches, comment) Methylisothiazolinone. Perfume (by 6 different substances). Compare with... (/The/ traditional...)

    Zalo as in ordinary Zalo, also "natural", again by Lilleborg: 1. 15-30% Anionic (positive ions solution?) surface active substances. 2. 5-15% Non-ionic surface active substances. "Amfotic" surface active substances. 3. Under/less than 5% 2-Bromine2-nitropropane-1,3-diol. Sodiumbenzoat. Perfume (by 2 different substances (of the 6 above, that is, they are the same, by this "fresh lemon" scented variety).

    Note: From Facebook where it has been first written to some 8 hours ago in this CE_S_T zone (starting 25. March). Cheers!